Friday, August 1, 2014

How to create a schedule in Microsoft Word

Today I'm going to show you how to create a schedule in Microsoft Word. I do this at the beginning of every semester so that I have a clear view of my weekly schedule. This way I can include only the information that I want on my schedule instead of one that your school may provide for you. While during the first week of classes it's nice to have things such as the professors name included next to each class, by the end of the semester it's just not necessary. 

Here's an easy way to create a schedule in Microsoft Word (excuse me for still having Word 2007 but the jist is the same in the newer versions of Word as well) 

1) First I open a new document, and in the Insert tab, insert a 6x8 table.

2) Next I adjust the size of the columns and rows and insert the days of the week and times. You can always add another row by continually pressing the 'Tab' button.  
3) Then in the insert tab, insert a text box. The Simple Text Box will do. 

4) Your text box will look a little something like this. 

5) Add your class information into the box. 

6) Then under Text Box Tools, in the Format tab, I select a color for each of my class boxes. 

7) I will then take my 'Chemistry' text box I just created, copy it, and paste it into another time slot. This way I can keep the same formatting and everything will look streamlined but I can just enter in different class information.

8) Now I'll change the information within the box. I will continue this process until I have completed my class schedule. 

9) This is about how my finished schedule will look. This is just a very simple layout, but you can always change the font, size, color, and appearance of your table to make the class schedule a little more fun. 

I hoped this helped! It really is a simple process and it allows you to create an easy time table in just a few minutes! You can of course fill your text boxes with whatever you'd like. You can add your workout schedule, work schedule, the room numbers/building of each class, whatever you'd like! 

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